1st workshop: Save the date

1st knowledge sharing workshop in the framework of OceanSET at OEE2019

1st workshop: Save the date


1st knowledge sharing workshop in the framework of OceanSET at OEE2019SAVE THE DATE: 30 September 2019, 11:30 – 13:30

This workshop will be organized to encourage knowledge and expertise sharing between innovation providers and funders.


Presentation of OceanSET Project by Declan Meally, SEAI

1 – Technology gaps in wave and tidal stream by Henry Jeffrey, University of Edinburgh

2 – Financing for effective development by Tim Hurst, Wave Energy Scotland

3 – Stage-gate metrics: the new TRL by Jonathan Hodges, Wave Energy Scotland

4 – Transparency on costs by Gianmaria Sannino, ENEA

 > Follow this link to register: www.oceanenergy-europe.eu/annual/oceanset-workshop

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